Designing and Building Quality Mobile Apps in the USA

We pride ourselves on being able to develop an efficient mobile application that looks and performs well. We have worked with small companies and large corporations in helping them build software to their specifications and needs.

Mobile App Development Process

Our steps in creating a mobile app is very similar to our approach with custom software and website but with slight changes to fit the type of development that a mobile application requires.

Gather Information

We review the industry and market your app would be operating within to see what the current standards are and how other applications handle different features and functionality.

Design out ideas

We take the approach of building out flowcharts and wireframes. These will become the blueprints for how the application’s content will laid out and how each feature will work before we code.

Build and test

We use the latest tools to develop our mobile apps that allow us to build and test the design and functionality. This allows us to show our clients our progress and get real time feedback.

Solving problems

Benefits of Custom Software vs Off-The-Shelf Software

There are clearly benefits both for custom software and “off-the-shelf” solutions. By choosing custom software development from Ruby Shore, you’ll enjoy numerous advantages of a custom system, tailored for your business.

Full Ownership

Our customers own 100% of their software, so you’ll never pay subscription or royalty fees. Want to add another feature or more users? No problem; you have all the control.

Full Flexibility

With a custom-built solution, you can do whatever you want whenever you want with your product. That means your software can grow and change with your business, not the other way around.

Technology Independent

Our customers own 100% of their software, so you’ll never pay subscription or royalty fees. Want to add another feature or more users? No problem; you have all the control.

Competitive Advantages

Unlike “off-the-shelf” software, a custom-built solution can boost your company’s performance and be a valuable IP asset, two strong competitive advantages.

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